Make a tax-deductible donation to Warrior Writers
Your donation will help Warrior Writers continue to provide workshops, retreats, performances, and resources to veterans. Our current goal is to expand our vitual programing by exploring better ways to use virtual technology and digital connecting tools to provide more immersive, interactive, and engaging workshops, performances, and gatherings. You can help us do this!
Any gift amount goes a long way. Our ever growing community appreciates your support!
You can make a one-time donation, or consider making a recurring monthly donation.
To make a donation online, click the “Donate” button below.
There are two options for online donations: one-time donations and recurring donations. Please consider becoming a sustaining donor. To make a donation online, click the Donate Buttom below.
To make a donation by check:
Please make checks payable to Warrior Writers of Culture Trust, and send to:
CultureTrust/Warrior Writers
1315 Walnut Street, Suite 320
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Sponsor a Vet:
Download Sponsor form
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities:
Contact us at info@warriorwriters.org to create a sponsorship package for your company.
Buy a Book for a Veteran in Memory of Lost Family Members or Friends:
Consider commemorating your loved ones by supporting veterans that continue to struggle today. You can donate one of our anthologies to a veteran in the Warrior Writers community, in memory of someone you want to honor. Many veterans experience isolation. Help us remind our veterans that they are not alone. Inside the book cover it will say: In memory of the person you want to honor, from your name. The cost is $30. Send a check to the address above with name of honoree and donor or use the donate link above and send an email to info@warriorwriters.org with the honoree and donor information.
We are a 501C3 tax-deductible non-profit organization.
Thank you for your support