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Host a Warrior Writers Event
Contact Warrior Writers to host a workshop, training, retreat, reading or art exhibition
- Volunteer to work with our staff in Philadelphia
- Donate time, talent, art supplies or space for workshops, performances or exhibits
- Donate or lend artistic equipment (camera, editing equipment, etc.)
- Help organize a Warrior Writers event
- Offer editing skills and literary critiques of writing
- Write a review of our new book
- Host a Warrior Writers event
- Contact us at info@warriorwriters.org to volunteer.
Fellowship/Residency Opportunities
Hambridge Center Veteran Fellowship
- When: Deadlines: Jan. 15 for SUMMER, April 15 for FALL, Sept. 15 for SPRING session.
- What: The Hambridge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences is offering a Veteran Fellowship! Hambridge will provide a $700 stipend and waives the fee for a 2 week residency for an outstanding applicant in any discipline that served in the U.S. Military. A sanctuary of time and space situated on 600 acres in the mountains of north Georgia, the Hambridge inspires individuals working in a broad range of disciplines to create works of the highest caliber.
- Guidelines and submission information: Hambridge Center Veteran Fellowship
- Contact: office@hambidge.org
Submission Opportunities
Canyon Voices
- When: Deadline: July 1-Oct 1 for Fall issue, Dec. 1-Mar. 1 for Spring issue,
- What: To submit your work to Canyon Voices at ASU, please send it to CanyonVoicesLitMag@gmail.com. Be sure to attach all the work you wish to submit to the e-mail. You may include an author biography and a photo, which will be included on your page should your work be chosen for publication.
- Guidelines and submission information: Canyon Voices
- Contact: CanyonVoicesLitMag@gmail.com
Hazelden Publishing Meditation Anthologies
- When: Deadline: Open
- What: The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is putting together a book for Service Members and Veterans in recovery from substance abuse are looking for submissions from active, reserve, and veteran service members who are part of the recovery community and want to help others by sharing their own meditations for consideration to be included in the book.
- Guidelines and submission information: Hazelden Publishing
- Contact: editorial@hazeldenbettyford.org
The Rutgers University Alumni Association and Rutgers University Foundation
- When: Deadliine: Open
- What: Writer who has served in the armed forces wanted as a writer for hire on a freelance basis. This would be occasional work as needed for individual projects, not a full- or part-time position. The U.S. veteran community is a rich source of experiences, knowledge, and creativity, and Rutgers University Alumni Association and the Rutgers University Foundation are seeking to expand their list of freelance writers in a way that honors and welcomes a diverse range of voices, including those of veterans.
- Guidelines and submission information:
Please submit up . to 3 work samples that demonstrate a strong writing ability and a grasp of basic journalistic practices. Rutgers-themed work samples are helpful but not required—your samples can be on any topic and we will only use them to assess writing ability. Please format your samples either as Word documents or PDFs. (It’s fine to send more than one item, they don’t need to be combined.) Links to web pages that do not involve a paywall are also acceptable. - Contact: content@ruf.rutgers.edu. Please address to “Alumni Editor” and put “Veteran writer” in the subject line.
The Line: A Veteran Literary Journal
- When: Deadline Rolling
- What: The Line is The Line Literary Review is currently accepting submissions for fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, flash nonfiction, and poetry. The Line Literary Review focuses on publishing diverse and inclusive work that bridges the gap between veterans and new audiences.
- Guidelines and submission information: www.thelineliterary.org
- Contact: submissions@thelineliterary.org
Red Bull Arts Microgrant
- When: Deadline Rolling
- What: Red Bull Arts is a national, experimental, and non-commercial arts program dedicated to creating new opportunities for artists and fostering public engagement in the arts. Their Microgrant Program awards two grants of $1000 each month to artists in a number of cities. These funds are meant to support artists in continuing their work however they see fit in this difficult moment. Both individuals and groups are eligible to apply.
- Guidelines and submission information: https://redbullarts.slideroom.com
GWOT Oral History Project
- When: Deadline open
- What: Tell your story for the GWOT Oral History Project website. The purpose of the project is to record oral testimony of people who served in Iraq or Afghanistan during the wars.
- Contact: Zach Laporte, zachlaporte26@gmail.com
- More information
Inky Lab Publishing
- When: Deadline open
- Inky Lab is an independent publishing company based in Newcastle upon Tyne. They are currently working towards releasing a Remembrance anthology of short stories, poetry, and artwork based on the theme of service, and are looking for submissions from people who are currently serving as well as veterans and the families of people who serve/have served. You can find out more about their Remembrance Project on their website. They are offering successful submissions a free copy of the anthology as well as promotion. For every anthology sold, they will be making a donation to The Poppy Factory,
- Current Projects: Remember Project and The Poppy Factory.
- Submission Information
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics
- When: Deadline open
- What: Call for submissions to a collection of personal stories from war veterans, Veterans' Healthcare on the Homefront, published by Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Submission Information
Help fund Warrior Writers Work
We are a 501C3 tax-deductible non-profit organization.
- Become a sustaining donor or make a one-time donation
- Download Sponsor a Vet form
- Throw a house party
- Help us research grant opportunities or donors
Help get the word out about Warrior Writers
- Share our books with folks you know, universities, organizations, schools, and libraries
- Tell service members and veterans you know about Warrior Writers!
- Advertise or review our books on your blog or website
- Ask your local paper to write a story about WW or to review of our new book
Follow us
Blog with us. Post your thoughts, art and creative writing; respond to writing prompts.
Email us for blog guidelines and login information at info@warriorwriters.org
Visit our national FB page, Boston FB page, NYC FB page,and Twitter. -
Stay in touch
Sign up to receive our e-newsletter to find out about events, volunteer opportunities, and art and creative writing opportunities.
Contact us at info@warriorwriters.org or CultureTrust/Warrior Writers, 1315 Walnut Street, Suite 320, Philadelphia, PA 19107 for more information on volunteer opportunities and upcoming events. -
Partners and Discounts
Groups we partner with and discounts for veterans
Education Information